Zombie Day
During Christmas break, we had a Zombie Day here at the library! I was so looking forward to this program!
Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives (KDLA) has an amazing amount of resources for us librarians. One thing they offer are kits. And one of the newest ones they put together is this Zombie kit. I knew I HAD to have that kit and so the planning began. Our teen program is just started, and since school began in August I have seen the number grow from 4- 10. So exciting! However, I learned quickly that if school is out, we do not have hardly any teens. (The high school is across the street, so most of my regulars just walk here after school.). I was a little nervous if I would have anybody show up or not since it was over Christmas break. But in the end I had 14!! Most were teens that had never come to a program before. Yahoo!!
The kit came with a book titled Zombie Cupcakes. I was totally in love with that book! There are some hilariously awesome cupcakes in there but I tried to find a few that I thought I could tackle.
I ended up making Zombie Head cupcakes, T-Virus cupcakes (for my Resident Evil fans), and Bloody Bite cupcakes.
Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives (KDLA) has an amazing amount of resources for us librarians. One thing they offer are kits. And one of the newest ones they put together is this Zombie kit. I knew I HAD to have that kit and so the planning began. Our teen program is just started, and since school began in August I have seen the number grow from 4- 10. So exciting! However, I learned quickly that if school is out, we do not have hardly any teens. (The high school is across the street, so most of my regulars just walk here after school.). I was a little nervous if I would have anybody show up or not since it was over Christmas break. But in the end I had 14!! Most were teens that had never come to a program before. Yahoo!!
The kit came with a book titled Zombie Cupcakes. I was totally in love with that book! There are some hilariously awesome cupcakes in there but I tried to find a few that I thought I could tackle.
I ended up making Zombie Head cupcakes, T-Virus cupcakes (for my Resident Evil fans), and Bloody Bite cupcakes.
(Clearly I could not get these to look flesh colored. So I decided these were the Jersey Shore cast members, being that they are so tan, and they got turned into Zombies. We could all hope, right?!)
The kit also game with so many things including several board games, a tabletop bowling game, a pull apart zombie, an emergency inflatable brain, magnetic poetry, Zombie Feltie Book, and How to Speak Zombie book. Along with so much more!
Here are a few snapshots of what we did:

We played Oh No Zombies! along with Zombies board game. (Both of these games are SO SO fun! If you are looking for a board game, these are definitely ones to consider!)
Tabletop Zombie Bowling
And our magnetic poetry!
(Check out the story at the top of the board.)
Everyone just hung out and had a great time together! (I forgot to get everyone's permission to post pictures so I cannot post any with the teens in them. Bummer.) Everyone left with a prize of a free book.
Days like these are why I love my job so much. :)
*All links are to the product's Amazon page.
