Apples Storytime

Apples, Apples, Apples Storytime
The Apple Pie Tree by Zoe Hall

Apple Pie ABC by Alison Murray

Ten Red Apples by Virginia Miller

Flannel Board Activity
I cut out apples in red, green, and yellow.  Laminated them and used the sticky magnetic tape for the back.  I passed out the apples to the kiddos and went over the colors.  Then used this little rhyme to get them to put them back on my board. The rhyme is courtesy of Susan Dailey's website.

Juicy, red apples

Hanging on the trees
Yummy in my tummy
Bring me some, please

Sweet, yellow apples
Hanging on the trees
Yummy in my tummy
Bring me some, please

Tart, green apples
Hanging on the trees
Yummy in my tummy
Bring me some, please

Storytime Katie has a great Red Storytime on her blog.
I used her fingerplay "Way up High in the Apple Tree." 

Way up high in the apple tree (stretch arms up high)
Two red apples smiled at me (hold up two fingers)
I shook that tree as hard as I could (make a shaking motion)
Down came the apples...(make a downward motion)
And mmm, they were good! (smiled an rub stomach)

Apples and Bananas.  The link takes you to the Kiddles website with the lyrics.  I manage to always forget a vowel when singing it so I keep a printout with me.

Also taken from Storytime Katie's Red Storytime.  Instead of using a kit, I improvised with what we had at the branch.  I used a red paper plate, cut a pipe cleaner for the stem, traced and cut out green leaves and then cut out strips of brown paper for the worm.  I used regular brown construction paper and ended up cutting those strips in half and then folding them accordian style for the worm.  We just got these super cute eye stickers from Oriental Trading that we used instead of real googly eyes.

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