Birthday Storytime - Toddler/Pre-School

Toddler Time:

Birthday Box by Leslie Patricelli

A Birthday for Cow by Jan Thomas

Birthday Monsters by Sandra Boynton


All of the above books plus -

Happy BirthdayMonster! by Scott Beck

I used the same two Flannelboards from my Baby Birthday Storytime.  Both of those flannelboards can orginally be found at Mel's Desk.

Jelly in the Bowl
Jelly in the bowl, (cup hands and wabble around)
Jelly in the bowl.
Wiggy waggy,
Wiggy waggy,
Jelly in the bowl.
Cookies in the jar, (creat jar with hands and shake)
Cookies in the jar,
Shake ‘em up,
Shake ‘em up,
Cookies in the jar,
Candles on the cake, (display all ten fingers)
Candles on the cake,
Blow them out, (“blow out” fingers)
Blow them out,
Candles on the cake.

This song I found on Awesome Storytime's blog.

Balloons, Balloons (This song was courtesy of my boss.  I am not sure where she got it.)

Balloons, balloons that float by my head, here is a balloon and it is RED
Balloons, balloons so shiny and new, here is a balloon and it is BLUE.
Balloons, balloons, that wave up and down, here is a balloon and it is BROWN.
Balloons, balloons that wiggle and wink, here is a balloon and it is PINK.
Balloons, balloons that hide in and between, here is a balloon and it is GREEN.
Balloons, balloons that shiver like jello, here is a balloon and it is YELLOW.
Balloons, balloons that reach to the light, here is a balloon and it is WHITE.
Balloons, balloons that float in a circle, here is a balloon and it is PURPLE.
Balloons, balloons that float high and stop, here is a balloon and it just went POP!

Birthday cakes with candles for the kiddos to color and decorate with foam stickers.

I just passed out half sheets of constuction paper for the craft.  It fits nicely on it.

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