Ocean Storytime

Over the summer I transferred to a different branch within our library system.  This particular branch has not had the staff to be able to have regular storytimes so I am starting from scratch. I am not sure when the last storytime happened here but I know it has been well over a year and even then attendance was low.

Today was the first day of our weekly storytimes.  Our branch in unique in that we share the library with the local middle school so our hours are different than any other branch.  Being that we are not open until the afternoon during the weekdays, I am doing storytime on Saturdays.  I am super excited to be able to say that today I had 31 kids and parents show up!  I was expecting MAX 12 and that would have included me and my son.  I was just blown away today and completely unprepared but that makes it more fun right?

Way Down Deep in the Deep Blue Sea by Jan Peck and illustrated by Valeria Petrone

I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean by Kevin Sherry

Bright Stanley by Matt Buckingham

I found Kari Ann's blog- My Storytime Life where she made a flannelboard for Dr. Jean's 5 Little Fish from her Dr. Jean Sings Silly Songs CD. The lyrics can be found here.

Action Rhyme:

I'm a Little Octopus

Arm #1 goes swish, swish, swish (swing arms back and forth)
Arm #2 helps me catch fish (wiggle hand back and forth)
Arm #3 pats my head (pat hand on head)
Arm #4 makes sure I’m fed (put hand to mouth)
Arm #5 swims me to shore (move arms in swimming motion)
Arm #6 touches the ocean floor (touch hand to floor)
Arm #7 can grab and tug (open and close hands)
But all eight arms give me a hug! (cross arms and hug yourself)

Thanks to Storytime Katie  for posting this.


Have You Ever Seen a Fishy?
Have you ever seen a fishy, a fishy, a fishy?
Have you ever seen a fishy swim this way or that?
Swim this way or that way?
Swim this way or that way?
Have you ever seen a fishy swim this way or that?

Waves on the Sea
The waves on the sea go up and down
Up and down
Up and down
The waves on the sea go up and down
All day long.

The shark in the sea goes snap snap snap
Snap snap snap
Snap snap snap
The shark in the sea goes snap snap snap
All day long.

The fish in the sea go swish swish swish
Swish swish swish
Swish swish swish
The fish in the sea go swish swish swish
All day long.

The boat on the sea go toot toot toot
Toot toot toot
Toot toot toot
The boats on the sea go toot toot toot
All day long.
(This song can be found at SurLaLune's Commotion on the Ocean storytime).

Baby Fish by Dr. Jean from Dr. Jean Sings Silly Songs
We played this song and just danced! If you don't own her CDs, you probably should. :)


Found at Preschool Crafts for Kids

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